IOS App Development Syllabus

Chapter 1  – Basics

  1. Swift Introduction
  2. The Basic Operation
  3. Stings and characters
  4. Collection Types
  5. Control Flow
  6. Functions
  7. Closures
  8. Enumeration
  9. Structures ans classes
  10. 10.Properties
  11. Methods
  12. 12.Subscript
  13. 13.Inheritances
  14. 14.Initialization 
  15. 15.Deintialization
  16. 16.Optional Chaining
  17. 17.Type Casting
  18. 18.Nested types
  19. 19.Extension
  20. 20.Memory Safety
  21. 21.Access Control
  22. 22.Advance Operators

Chapter 2 – Getting Started with iOS 13  and Swift 5.1

  1. 23.Intro to the course.
  2. 24.How does an App works
  3. 25.How to Make an app
  4. 26.Developing for iOS – Tools
  5. 27.Getting set up with Xcode

Chapter 3 – Xcode Storyboard and Interface Builder

  1. The I am Rich App
  2. A Note about the lesson
  3. Creating a Brand New Xcode project 
  4. A Walkthrough of the Xcode Development Environment
  5. Design users Interface
  6. Design and App App Icon
  7. Running App on simulator 

Chapter 4 – Xcode Swift Programming Basics

  1. Naming Convention 
  3. String Interpolation
  4. Variables
  5. Arrays
  6. Constanses 
  7. The Rang Operators
  8. Randomisation
  9. Dicee Introduction
  10. 10.Design Dicee App
  11. 11.Link Design to Code
  12. 12.Using Variable and Arrays in the Project
  13. 13.How to Randomise the Dice
  14. 14.Write the complete code and  Execute the project in the simulator

Chapter 5 – Auto Layout and Responsive UI’s

  1. Setting Constrains
  2. Working with Safe Area
  3. Aligning and Pinning 
  4. Working with Constrains and sub Views
  5. Stack View

Chapter 6 – Xylophone Project

  1. Introduction on Xylophone Project
  2. Use
  3. Liking Multi Button to the same IB Action
  4. Playing Different Xylophone Sounds
  5. Write Complete Project Code

Chapter 7 – Egg Timer Project

  1. If – Else Control Flow
  2. Switch Statement
  3. Dictionaries 
  4. Defining and unwrapping Optionals
  5. Setting up the egg timer project 
  6. Linking the StoryBoard and  View Controller
  7. Implementing a timer Countdown
  8. Showing the timer to the user with a Progress View
  9. Calculate the progress percentage
  10. 10. Write Complete Project Code

Chapter 8 – Quizzler Project 

  1. Structures, Methods and Protocols
  2. Setup the Quizzler Project
  3. Check the answer using 2 dimensional Array
  4. Creating Question Structs
  5. Working ProgressBar
  6. Understanding MVC Design pattern
  7. Implementing MVC Design Pattern
  8. Function Output and written type
  9. Refactoring to Implement the MVC Design Pattern
  10. 10. Immutability
  11. Mutating Functions to Track theScore
  12. 12.Write Complete Project Code