Web Designing and Development Courses

Web Designing and Development Courses List

Click Below Button For HTML Syllabus

What is HTML? 

Hyper text markup language, it is the heart of each website because every site finally renders HTML into the browser no matter whether it is developed in any technology like Java, ASP.NET, and PHP etc. HTML is not a programming language; it is a markup language. It is very powerful and easy to learn. It does not require any software to start; you can easily start from text editor. That makes it cost effective. Performance of HTML is very high to any other technology.

Click Below Button For CSS Syllabus

What is CSS 

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheet, it is the backend of the html. Presentation of your site mainly depends upon the styles. Styles are used to display HTML elements in well suited format. Styles can define in CSS that saves your time and you can easy control your site from one place. It is also very powerful; you can even control your rendering of styles in particular browser.

Click Below Button For JavaScript Syllabus

What is Javascript 

JavaScript is a client side language that runs on client machine. It is the most popular scripting language and runs on almost all major browsers, such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, and Safari. JavaScript is usually embedded directly into HTML pages. JavaScript is an interpreted language (means doesn’t require compilation). It is easy to learn and powerful. Everyone can use JavaScript without purchasing a license.

Click Below Button For SQL Syllabus

MYSQL : What is it?

My SQL is an ORACLE product and usually used in PHP and JAVA. It is used to store, update, delete and retrieve data. It is very powerful software and used in big and small application. It is a free software. MySQL is also used in large application including , Google and Facebook. MySQL is very flexible and its performance is very high.

Click Below Button For PHP Syllabus

PHP : What is it?

PHP stands for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor. It is a server side technology like ASP. Unlike HTML, PHP needs server to run. You can freely download this software from the internet. It is open source software; you can easily customize this software according to your requirement. There are lots of plug-in available in the market that makes its development faster. Currently most of the sites are built in PHP rather than others technologies because of shorter time of development. There are a number of technologies that used PHP like Word Press, OS Commerce, Joomla, Magento etc. PHP supports many databases (MySQL, Informix, Oracle, Sybase, Solid, PostgreSQL, Generic ODBC, etc.)

Click Below Button For JQuery Syllabus

What is JQuery 

jQuery is great library of the JavaScript language. It helps programmers to keep the code neat and clean and at the same time there is no effect on performance. The jQuery library is designed to keep things very concise and reusable. jQuery is a great library for developing ajax based application also.
JQuery is used to handle effects and animation. You can use jQuery to handle events and add the ajax support into your web applications with ease.